PNF 2010 First developed by Physical Therapists

来源: 2012-6-25 18:40:25 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
First developed by Physical  Therapists
Maggie Knott
Dorothy Voss
The most common PNF leg or arm positions encourage flexibility and coordination throughout the limb's entire range of motion.

First used with stroke patients, children with CP
Today often used for Sports Medicine
Safety first
Warm up muscles through gentle exercise such as walking,
Or external heat: warm packs, whirlpool bath
NEVER over stretch
The patient is your guide
STOP before the patient is in pain
Do not force movement

PNF Rehabilitation Strengthening
Use natural rotation
Cross midline
Move against resistance if possible

Techniques in Strength Training
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
Neurophysiological Basis
Autogenic Inhibition
Reciprocal Inhibition

PNF  to increase ROM, strength
Use functional movements
Diagonal/rotational  patterns:  move the way the body moves.

Example – bring foot to foot to knee
Reach arm up to grasp
Arm: Diagonal 1
Arm: Diagonal 2
LEG: Diagional 1
Leg: Diagional 2
Contract- Relax - Stretch


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